Sara McCurdy

Sara is the Delegate for First Eagles Point Homeowners Association.  As the First Eagles Point Delegate, she is also a member of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Board of Directors.  In addition to serving as the First Eagles Point Delegate and the BMSA board, Sara is the Secretary / Treasurer for the Battlement Mesa Metropolitan District.

♦  Married to Robert "Mac" McCurdy
♦  Has five grown children
♦  Moved to Battlement Mesa (to retire) in 2005

♦  Bachelor of Science Degree in Journalism, Ohio University

Volunteer Community Involvement:
♦  Littleton (CO) District 6 Parent Committee to implement k-5; 6-8; 9-12 Plan,1983-1984
♦  Chesterfield (MO) Comprehensive Plan Committee Member 1989-1991
♦  Girl Scout Council of St. Louis County 1987-1990
♦  Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games (SLOC) 1999-2002
♦  BMSA Board of Directors, Vice-President
♦  Past BMSA Architectural Review Committee Member, 2007-2010
♦  Past Joint Advisory Committee (BMSA & BMMD)
♦  Co-Chair, Mt. Callahan Community Fund
♦  Past Secretary, Battlement Mesa Ladies Golf Club, 2006 & 2007
♦  Past First Eagles Point HOA Board